I love my fami-Lee.  

Jessica Graduates!

The angel of my life, Jessica, is graduating today.  She will start her Digital Marketing career at OMD.
“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” 

Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! 

Jessica, the  Judo girl

Jessica throws David during the Judo demonstration on Irvine Global Village Day.  The technique is Uki-o-toshi, a Floating Drop.  

David, the Eagle Scout

David is Troop 695’s newest Eagle Scout. Congratulations to David!  He is the greatest guy you will ever meet.

For David’s Eagle Scout project, he and his team built 2 conference tables for PeopleSpace, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable computer education non-profit in Irvine, California.  The tables help the young children sit better and learn with more focus during computer coding classes.  

David felt that the PeopleSpace, where he had volunteered to teach minecraft, had been an integral, happy part of his experience with our troop, and wanted to give back to the facility.  David enjoyed leading his teams and getting his hands dirty.

Some of David’s favorite Scouting memories were created on camping trips, when the Scouts were given the opportunity to bond in new and different locations.  Joshua Tree National Park was special because it was the first time that David really got to experience campout as an Indian Guide, and as a Scout. And today, his Scouts remain his best friends.

David is busy – outside of Scouts, he is a member of Sage Hill High School's CIF playoff football team, and student council as senior class President.  He plays Tuba for Sage Hill Orchestra, and he is a Judo black belt. 

David’s Eagle Coach was Mr. Jason Perkins. His Board of Review attendees were the Troop committee chair, Mr. Daniel Lee, the Troop scoutmaster, Mr. Ray Bukaty, and other representatives from the District office. 

David will start at the University of Southern California as an Applied Mathematics major and plans to join the world-famous USC marching band.  Fight On Trojan!!

David, the USC Marching Band

David joins the USC marching band as a Tuba player.   More photos to come. 

David, the Navy Sailor

Davis joins the Navy!!
Good luck Sailor!!
Thank you for your service!!

Bootcamp accomplishments:
Academic Excellence Award
Starboard Watch Section Leader
Recruit Training Command, Recruit Honor

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”― William Ernest Henley, Invictus 

SK Lee, Eulogy

장남 이재원 입니다.   2019년 마지막 날 아버지는 오랜 중환 끝에 운명을 하셨습니다.  북한이 고향이신 아버지는 젊은이의 꿈과 낭만 대신 6.25 이산가족의 슬픔과 미국 이민의 어려움을 극복하셨습니다.   

저에게 이렇게 말씀 하셨습니다.   남아 장부 출가 불생환,  한번 고향은 떠난 사나이는 성공하기 전에는 집에  못 돌아 간다라는 말씀이셨습니다.    그래서 저는 아버지가 언젠가는 미국이민 중 성공 하셔서 한국으로 다시 돌아가실줄 알았습니다.  제 생각이 짧았습니다.  

오늘 장례식에 참석해주신 여러분들과 사랑스런 일곱 손자 손녀들이 아버지의 진정한 성공입니다.   이렇게 성공하신 아버지는 북한 고향 보다 저 좋은  천국 고향으로  당당히 돌아가셨습니다.       

고생 많은 세상을 사시면서 가장의 임무를 마다 않고 온순히 감당하신 아버지의 훌룡한 삶에 대해 절대로 후회나 슬픔은 없습니다.   다만 흩어져 살던 자식들이 오랜만에 만나 항상 함께 계실 줄만 알고있던 아버지가 이제는 추억이다 생각되니 눈물이 하염없이 나옵니다. 

하나님이 먼저 사랑하셔서 먼저 가신 아버지가 보고 싶습니다.   혹시 여러분 중에도 먼저 떠나가신 사랑하시는 분이 생각 나면 하나님의 위로를 받으시기 바랍니다.  감사합니다.